注意事项 Application Procedure and Instructions: 1. 新学年为9月入学。申请人应于5月底前,提交申请材料。 The new academic year begins in September. Applicants are asked to send the completed Form before the end of May for the new academic year. 2. 将填写好的申请表,照片(2寸)电子版和学历证书扫描件发送至邮箱(tmc_ied@163.com)。 Send the completed application form, with photo (2-inch) in digital version and educational certificate be scanned copy to the mailbox (tmc_ied@163.com). 3. 我院在收到按上述指定日期提交的申请材料后,将向申请人寄发来华签证申请表(JW202 表)和入学通知书。 After receiving the application materials by the date specified above, we will send the Visa Application Form (JW202) and the Letter of Admission. 4. 申请人可持JW202表、入学通知书和《外国人体格检查记录》(学习期限超过6个月的学生) 到中国驻贵国使(领)馆办理来华学习签证(X1签证),学习期在6个月以内的可申请X2签证。 With the Visa Application Form (JW202) and the Letter of Admission along with the completed Physical Examination Report (if the duration of study is more than 6 months), the applicant should apply to the Chinese Embassy (or Consulate) for the X1 visa (student’s visa), or for the X2 visa if the duration of study is less than 6 months. 5. 学生应按入学通知书规定的时间来学院报到。入境后10天之内应申办外国人居留证,否则 将受到公安部门的处罚。 The student is required to register at Tianjin Maritime College during the time specified in the Letter of Admission and go through the formalities for applying for residence card within 10 days after arriving in China. The student shall be fined by the local Public Security Bureau if s/he fails to do so within the said period. |